Loans and grants for qualified fire-affected small-businesses in Jackson County, Oregon
The Illinois Valley Community Development Organization (IVCanDO) has been awarded $1.2 million to provide grants and loans for Jackson County small businesses affected by the 2020 Labor Day fires.
The funding is part of the ReOregon effort to help regions recover from natural disasters and is provided through the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Revitalization (PIER) program of Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS).
IVCanDO will use the funds for two initiatives in Jackson County:
- Revolving Loan Fund: Fixed, low-interest loans to increase capital and encourage credit building, helping small businesses in fire-affected areas launch or expand their operations.
- Microenterprise Grant Program: Flexible grants for low- to moderate-income microbusinesses with fewer than five employees — often sole proprietors operating from home — to support capital building, job expansion and operations.
Contact PIER Program staff at or using our contact form.
** This page will be updated when the PIER program launches in Spring 2025 **

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