Community Heat Pump Deployment Program

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The Community Heat Pump Deployment Program (CHPDP) provides equitable access to efficient heating and cooling systems.

IVCanDO administers the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) Community Heat Pump Deployment Program in Josephine County, Oregon in partnership with Energy Trust of Oregon and Rogue Climate (for Jackson County residents). This program provides financial assistance towards the purchase and installation of heat pumps in owner-occupied residences. Priority will be given to environmental justice communities including those without functioning heating or cooling systems and/or those who rely solely on bulk heating sources (wood, pellets, etc.) in their home.

Do you lack adequate heating and cooling in your home?

The CHPDP is designed to help eligible households transition to modern, efficient heat pumps that provide both heating and cooling. This program aims to enhance comfort, reduce energy costs, and lower environmental impact in Josephine County. Our partner, Rogue Climate can assist households in Jackson County.

Program Benefits

  • Enhanced Comfort: Enjoy consistent, reliable heating and cooling throughout the year.
  • Energy Savings: Those with aging electric heating sources can reduce energy bills with an efficient system designed to use less power.
  • Environmental Impact: Lower your carbon footprint with a cleaner, greener energy solution.
  • Financial Assistance: Eligible households can receive incentives that make transitioning to a heat pump more affordable.

Josephine County residents:

Applying for the CHPDP is easy! Our team is here to guide you through the process, from initial eligibility checks to installation. The first step is contacting IVCanDO to schedule a FREE Home Energy Assessment.

To get started, contact the IVCanDO Energy Team directly at, (541) 592-4440, or use the form below:

Jackson County residents:

If you are interested applying for the CHPDP and live in Jackson County, contact Susie at Rogue Climate at: 541-852-2381 or by emailing

FAQ – Heat Pumps and Energy Efficiency

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